
Chelsea FC Football Development

Easter Egg-cellent Terms and Conditions

By participating in this promotion or sweepstakes, as applicable (the "Promotion"), each entrant is deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions ("Terms"). Entrants must comply with these Terms in full to be eligible to win a Prize (as described below). Chelsea FC Foundation reserves the right to refuse entry to, void the entry of, refuse to award a prize to or withdraw a prize awarded to, any entrant who breaches any of these Terms. All details and other restrictions of the prize not specified in these terms and conditions will be determined by Chelsea FC Foundation in its sole discretion.

Chelsea FC Foundation The Chelsea Foundation (company number 06858117, charity number 1129723) whose registered office is at Stamford Bridge, Fulham Road, London SW6 1HS.
Chelsea FC Foundation Contact Kenny.Dowling@chelseafc.com; Carly.Galloway@chelseafc.com
Promotion Period
Start Date 09:00 on 21/03/2022 (UK time)
End Date 23:59 on 08/04/2022 (UK time)
Territory UK
Age Requirements 18 and over
Entry Requirements Purchase a Chelsea FC Foundation Easter Soccer School or Advanced Soccer School through chelseafcfoundation.com and automatically be entered to the prize draw.
Prize Signed football by members of the Chelsea FC 20/21 squad
Number of Winners 1

2.1. The Promotion is being run and administered by Chelsea FC Foundation. Entrants can contact Chelsea FC Foundation about this Promotion by emailing the Chelsea FC Foundation Contact.

2.2. The Promotion is open to anyone who:

  1. is a legal resident within the Territory; and
  2. satisfies the Age Requirements,
but excluding employees of Chelsea FC Foundation, its group companies, anyone professionally connected with the Promotion and any member of their respective immediate families.

2.3. Where the Age Requirements allow for an entry for somebody under the age of 16, anybody who enters who is under the age of 16 must have permission from a parent or guardian to enter, and any entries from anybody under the age of 16 who does not have permission from their parent or guardian to enter shall be void.

2.4. The Promotion will be open for the duration of the Promotion Period. Entries received by Chelsea FC Foundation outside of the Promotion Period will not be eligible to win a Prize.

2.5. Entrants will need an Internet connection. No refund may be claimed for expenses incurred in participating in the Promotion, including in relation to the use of the Internet.

2.6. Each entrant (and, in the case of entrants under 16, the entrant's parent/guardian) confirms: (a) that their entry will be an original work which they have not copied from another work; and (b) that, upon submission, all entry information and materials will become the property of Chelsea FC Foundation and will not be acknowledged or returned.

2.7. Each entrant (and, in the case of entrants under 16, the entrant's parent/guardian) grants Chelsea FC Foundation a royalty-free, worldwide, sub-licensable licence to use, copy, alter and display your entry on Chelsea FC Foundation's websites (including www.chelseafc.com) and on Chelsea FC Foundation's social media channels, including to advertise Chelsea FC Foundation's business and the business of Chelsea FC Foundation's partners, and in connection with publicising the Promotion. This licence is not revocable.

3.1. To enter the Promotion, entrants must carry out the Entry Requirements.

3.2. Entrants may only participate in the Promotion once. Duplicate entries will be void and only the first entry submitted will be eligible to win a Prize.

3.3. Chelsea FC Foundation reserves the right, at any time, to:

  1. verify the eligibility of any participant (including their age and place of residence); and
  2. exclude anyone who Chelsea FC Foundation believes to have acted in breach of these terms from participating in the Promotion.

3.4. Chelsea FC Foundation shall not be responsible for any attempt to participate in the Promotion which is unsuccessful or incomplete for any reason, including because of communication or network failures.

3.5. Entries made by any other individual or any entity, and/or originating at any other website or email address, including but not limited to a commercial sweepstakes subscription notification and/or entering service websites, will be declared invalid and disqualified for this Promotion. Tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Promotion, including but not limited to the use of any device to automate the entry process, is prohibited and any entries deemed by Chelsea FC Foundation, in its sole discretion, to have been submitted in this manner will be void. The Promotion Entities shall not be responsible for incorrect or inaccurate entry information whether caused by Internet users or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Sweepstakes or by any technical or human error which may occur in the processing of the entries in the Sweepstakes.

3.6. Chelsea FC Foundation assumes no responsibility or liability for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, theft or destruction, or unauthorised access to, or alteration of entries.

4.1. At the end of the Promotion Period, Chelsea FC Foundation will select, in accordance with paragraph 4.2, the winning entries as the "Winner(s)". The number of winning entries shall be the Number of Winners.

4.2. Where the Promotion is a prize draw and/or Chelsea FC Foundation states that the Winner will be decided by a random draw, Chelsea FC Foundation will select the Winner at random. Where the Promotion involves an entry which is required to be judged, eligible entries will be judged by a panel of three judges (one of whom will be independent from Chelsea FC Foundation) based on the criteria described in the competition entry page. The decision of the panel of judges (acting reasonably) will be final.

4.3. Chelsea FC Foundation will send the full names of the judges to anyone who writes within one month after the End Date of the Promotion to request this from the Chelsea FC Foundation Contact.

4.4. The Winner will be contacted by Chelsea FC Foundation within 5 days following the end of the Promotion Period (using the information submitted as part of their entry). The Winner(s) shall have two days to confirm their acceptance of the Prize and the address to which the Prize should be sent (if applicable). In the event that a Winner cannot be contacted within two days of Chelsea FC Foundation's first attempt to contact them, or chooses not to redeem the Prize, a replacement Winner may be selected in accordance with paragraph 4.2. Chelsea FC Foundation shall have no liability for any winner notification that is lost, intercepted or not received by a potential Winner for any reason.

4.5. Where the relevant Territory requires it, a potential Winner may be required to execute an Affidavit of Eligibility, a Liability Release, and (where imposing such condition is legal) a Publicity Release to use the Winner's name and/or image, including, but not limited to, for advertising and promotional purposes, without further compensation (collectively, "Prize Claim Documents"). If any potential Winner fails or refuses to sign and return all Prize Claim Documents within five days of prize notification (or such shorter time as exigencies may require), the Winner may be disqualified and an alternate Winner may be selected in accordance with paragraph 4.2.

4.6. Chelsea FC Foundation is under an obligation to publish or make available information that indicates that a valid prize award took place. As such, Chelsea FC Foundation will send the surname, county (if applicable) and a copy of their entry (if applicable) of the Winner(s) to anyone who contacts the Chelsea FC Foundation Contact within one month of the closing date of the Promotion requesting details of the Winner(s).

4.7. If any entrant objects to the information described in paragraph 4.6 being made available, they may contact the Chelsea FC Foundation Contact to object. This will not affect the entrant's chances of winning the Prize. In such circumstances, the Promotion must still provide that entrant's information to the Advertising Standards Authority, or other relevant regulatory body on request.

5.1. The Winner(s) will each receive the Prize. If the Prize is to be distributed to the Winner(s), it will be sent out to the address(es) supplied by the Winner(s) within one week of accepting the Prize in accordance with paragraph 4.4.

5.2. The Prize may not be substituted or exchanged and there is no cash alternative. Any Prize pictured in point-of-sale, online, television and print advertising, promotional packaging, and other Promotion materials are for illustrative purposes only. Where the Prize is subsequently not available for any reason beyond Chelsea FC Foundation's control, Chelsea FC Foundation may replace the Prize with a prize of similar value. If the Prize includes tickets to a match, event, flights and/or accommodation, by entering the Promotion each entrant confirms that they are available and eligible to travel to the United Kingdom (including having a valid passport and visa if applicable), on and around the dates the entrants will be needed for such match, event, flights and/or accommodation.

5.3. The Winner(s) shall be solely responsible for all taxes, and the reporting consequences thereof, and for any other fees or costs associated with the applicable prize. If any taxes or fees are levied against Chelsea FC Foundation in respect of the Prize, Chelsea FC Foundation may recover those taxes, costs and/or fees from the Winner and the Winner agrees to reimburse Chelsea FC Foundation such taxes, costs and/or fees.

5.4. The Prize is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, and Chelsea FC Foundation disclaims all such warranties, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and/or non-infringement.

5.5. If a Winner is not available or eligible to travel to the United Kingdom on the dates referred to in paragraph 5.2 for any reason, that Winner will not be eligible for the Prize and no alternative prize will be offered to that Winner. All costs and expenses not included in the Prize are the responsibility of the Winner (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any costs connected with the Winner's eligibility to travel).

5.6. Unless otherwise stated by Chelsea FC Foundation, the Prize will only be awarded to the Winner(s). Under no circumstances may the Prize be sold or transferred, for cash or otherwise (except, for example, in the event that the Prize is two tickets to an event/match, in which case the Winner(s) may transfer one ticket to a guest).

5.7. All Chelsea FC Foundation fixtures are subject to change. Use of any tickets or access to any venue owned or controlled by Chelsea Football Club, including the Stamford Bridge stadium, as part of the Prize is subject to Chelsea FC Foundation's ticketing rules and regulations from time to time including Ground Regulations and Conditions of Issue, copies of which can be accessed at www.chelseafc.com/tickets-membership/general-ticket-info/policies .

5.8. The Winner's attendance at any venue(s) not owned or controlled by Chelsea FC Foundation are subject to that venue's rules and regulations, which may include the right to refuse admission or eject any person at the venue's discretion. The Winner may be required to adhere to a dress code prescribed by the venue.

5.9. Chelsea FC Foundation assumes no responsibility for and accepts no liability regarding any aspects of the Prize that are not under the control of, or are not fulfilled by, Chelsea FC Foundation (including any non-fulfilment of such aspects of the Prize). This includes, for example, delivery of the Prize to the Winner(s), for which Chelsea cannot be responsible.

6.1. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law Chelsea FC Foundation excludes liability for any losses, damages and claims incurred by any person in connection with the Promotion. Chelsea FC Foundation is not responsible for any delayed, lost or incomplete entries.

6.2. The Promotion is not in any way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook or Twitter and each entrant acknowledges and agrees that neither Facebook nor Twitter shall have any liability in connection with the Promotion.

7.1. Chelsea FC Foundation will use personal information of entrants to the Promotion:

  1. to administer and operate the Promotion (including as described in paragraph 4.5);
  2. in respect of the name, image, social media handles (if applicable), likeness and entries of Winners (together "Winner Information"), for reasonable promotional, advertising and publicity purposes,
and otherwise in accordance with its privacy policy. Please read the privacy policy for more information about how Chelsea FC Foundation uses personal information.

7.2. Entrants agree that, in the event they are selected as a Winner, they give permission for Chelsea FC Foundation to use their Winner Information for reasonable promotional, advertising and publicity purposes worldwide and in all forms of media now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity, without further compensation.

8.1. All decisions made by Chelsea FC Foundation in respect of the Promotion shall be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

8.2. Chelsea FC Foundation reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions, any Prize and/or cancel the Promotion at any time as a result of circumstances beyond its control.

8.3. If any provision of these terms and conditions shall be found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions of these terms and conditions, and all provisions not affected by such invalidity or unenforceability shall remain in full force and effect.

8.4. This Promotion, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. Each entrant agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with this Promotion.